off to Knoxville’s Big Ears festival! It sports an action-packed lineup (The Ex, The xx, jj, GGD, Nico M, Joanna N, et al). I’ll be performing three times, in fairly different contexts:

  • * a late-night dance set on Friday (with Ben Frost opening).
  • * a Saturday afternoon set in a theater. w/ Dirty Projectors and William Basinski! Remember: a seated audience is a captive audience.
  • * and finally, Saturday night The Ex’s guitarist, Andy Moor & I will do our improv duo performance. Here’s a nice preview writeup of my hyperactive weekend.

Sometimes Andy & I go way out. Sometimes, like here, I’ll let a beat play for awhile and we gather corners until it feels like a song.

[audio:05 The Sheep Look Up.mp3]

DJ /rupture & Andy Moor – The Sheep Look Up (this is from our album of live recordings, Patches)

“Nothing lasts forever” writes Cesar Aira, “something else always happens.” Needless to say, it sounds – is – much better in Spanish.

A side-effect of Andy playing with me is that he gets confused even more frequently with the popular British trance DJ of the same name. Eventually we’re gonna accidentally get booked to play with Tiesto, I know it!

This snippet is from a show in Orleans, France. Photos by Andy.

and this audio is from a gig we did in Holland last summer, here overlaid with an anonymous Iranian video on the eve of election protests (remember those green twitter jpgs? ah, slacktivism! ah 2009!):


On the radio tonight: special guest from Oakland – Larisa Mann AKA DJ Ripley! She’ll start by sharing some Jamaican ‘answer tunes’ which flow into a larger discussion of music as a dynamic social practice (and not simply a collection of objects/recordings). As a legal scholar and formidable DJ, we couldn’t ask for a better person to come in and touch on everything from the social implications of intellectual property laws to, as she put it in our email exchange:

“the many ways that physical property, access to and control of material spaces, are still a prerequisite for music to happen – from control of servers that host files, to temporary or permanent control of streets and warehouses, zoning, etc., to the problem of providing bass, which still requires physically bigger systems than other kinds of sounds..”

In other words: expect heavy tunes and insightful talk tonight, 7-8pm EST, WFMU. For warm-up, Larisa offers a selection of mixes on her blog, like this recent live set.


Finalkalup low res

[Kalup Linzy]

It’s like this: last week Kalup Linzy & I recorded a collaborative track for his radio program, The Kalup Linzy Variety Show. We sifted through a bunch of unreleased beats kicking around my hard-drive, finally choosing an instrumental remix of Chief Boima that Matt Shadetek & I had just completed. I’ve been a fan of Kalup’s video/performance art ever since I saw this, so it was great to lab up – look for more songs from us in the coming months…

You can listen to our radio episode here.

And the tune:


Kalup Linzy – In My Head AKA Chief Boima – Techno Rumba (DJ /rupture and Matt Shadetek remix feat. Kalup Linzy)

This version, as well more Chief Boima originals and remixes by Uproot Andy and Matt & I, will be released next month on Dutty Artz. Can’t wait? Boima’s FREE African By the Bay EP will tide you over.



…The movies are all in English – the subtitles are in Icelandic. So everyone is watching a subtitled film but me. Everywhere in the world. This is not supposed to be something to cheer about but it is a bland American premium. We may not have health insurance but we have made our language the equivalent of free hot dogs everywhere. For us.

– Eileen Myles, The Importance of Being Iceland

+ + +

1972 Guinea. retro-optimism.


Bembeya Jazz National – Armée Guinéenne

+ + +

1985 Huasteca, Mexico. Sliding folktones as the fiddler fiddles the guitarist plucks and the singer pushes, yodels his voice around this tale of lost love. It opens at the seashore: he’s jealous of the waves which don’t know what love is… why did you give me life if you had to forget me? En la orilla del mar contemplaba las olas dichosas eran las olas no sabian lo que es amar… Porque me diste vida si habias de olvidarme?

[audio:02 El fandanguito.mp3]

Trío Huasteco del Pánuco – El fandanguito

+ + +

Next Stop… Soweto, around the same time as Bembeya above, and as beautiful.

[audio:16-Amaqawe Omculo-Jabulani Balaleli (Part 2).mp3]

Amaqawe Omculo – Jabulani Balaleli (Part 2)


Back in October, Pitchfork TV followed me around for a day: studio visit, Brooklyn tacos with Matt Shadetek, some recording in Bushwick alongside Brent Arnold, and my show on WFMU.

It was a strange thrill to walk around my usual haunts being filmed by a 3-person camera crew: people stare, ask questions. Soaked in the media bath. You feel mildly famous and ultra-conspicuous

the revolution will not be televised – it will be embedded.

+ + +
For more behind-the-scenes info, music producers and beatmakers should check out this great post by Matt Shadetek where he discusses our studio technique in detail. Matt will be doing these weekly, take note!


“What did Charlie Parker eat?”

“Eat? Everything. As far as I know.”

“Did he eat a lot?”

“I don’t know. Never seen him eat.”

“You never saw Charlie Parker eat? How come?”

“Never had dinner together.”

“You never did?” I say quite loud, combining real and feigned surprises.

“Lunch or breakfast.”

“I’m surprised to hear that. Do you think anybody ever did?” I stick with it, wagging my hands. “No one ever talks about it, you know. It’s not part of the legend.”

I am looking at Mingus from the corner of my eye. His head is bent down on his chest. His eyes are focused on his buttons, listening.

“If he was mystical and had so many things that he did,” I conclude, “he would probably have things that he ate.”

His head comes up. “I never even saw him eat a sandwich.” He takes a deep breath. “Max said he saw him eat out of a bag one time.”


“Max Roach said he saw him eatin’ out of a bag one time. I don’t know what it was. Somethin’ in a bag.”

— Janet Coleman, Mingus / Mingus



[WFMU iPhone app v2.0.; watermelon bullet design by me & Slang]

first off: I own a red Google umbrella (no idea where I got it from!), I built a hackintosh once (which runs great), I’ve been a Windows guy 4 life (that’s not saying much, I know), and although I use an iPhone, it’s a secondhand 1st generation jailbroken with quasi-legal software, running on a carrier who is not AT&T.

I don’t really like computers; I prefer burnable books and breakable records and long romantic walks (with hot infovores) through pickpocket-infested bootleg markets where you can buy food, clothing, typewriters, imitation solar panels, freshly squeezed orange juice, and video CD-rs containing fake documentaries on how to raise llamas. For real.


But you’re reading this online, which means that you too exist at least partially as a style-stream of fluctuating zeros and ones… so, disclaimers aside, let’s get supple:

WFMU, the most deliciously independent radio station in the world, just unveiled version 2.0 of it’s iPhone app. And it’s great! Direct iTunes link. Android version coming soon. In addition to realtime streaming, 2.0 allows you to listen to archives and podcasts, and for ‘accuplaylisted’ shows like (most of) mine, you can browse playlist and skip directly to specific tracks. There’s a bunch of other features too.

Cherry on the cake: WFMU is a real, FCC-approved, monoculture-resistant FM station with absolutely no advertising or corporate sponsorship. As you might expect, freedom sounds weird sometimes. Just the way we like it.


2010, for me, is shaping up to be a year of projects. There’s a lot of exciting stuff going on but before I talk about any of it, let’s look around for inspiring music:

Responding to my Columbus On Hold piece, @SinkDeep created lovely mixtape accompaniment to the prose – check it out!! (Her served crashed when I tweeted this over the weekend… time for a repeat performance?)

+ + +


Awesome Tapes From Africa has been busy lately, with many welcome forays into north Africa. As I tweeted recently: Jil Jilala’s banjo+drum machine phase was a great one. Digitized cassette evidence courtesy of ATFA.

also: let’s think about sufi plug-ins and sufi click-tracks.

+ + +


And while we’re on classic Moroccan chaabi from the 70s and 80s, try this post quartet:

Morocco II (Nass el Ghiwane 7″ rip & George Orwell waxing weird on tourism in brown-peopled lands!), III (Jil Jilala 7″ rip!), IV (folkloric stuff I don’t dig!), Morocco I.



On the radio tonight, I’ll be hosting Austin’s DJ Orion, performing live in studio! He’s extending the great Texan tradition of keeping cumbia crunk with his latest release, Carajo Colombia. After his DJ set we’ll find time for a quick interview and ticket giveaways to his Que Bajo show @ Santos on Thursday.

Here’s a taste of ‘Carajo Colombia’, you can buy it – setting your own price! – here: