The great thing about Omega fandom is that it requires no explanation. Either you haven’t heard of him (in which case, read the Omega profile I wrote for The Fader last summer) or you have, and his bad-assness is utterly self-evident. It’s simple: this former reggaeton choreographer is “El Fuerte”, one of the best musicians around in any genre right now, period, the undisputed dark king of Dominican merengue urbano / mambo. Plus he’s kinda scary – we’re not fooled just because he dropped the “y su Mambo Violento” from his name. (When you find an Omega fan, ask ’em about Rita Indiana — they’ll have an opinion on her too.)

Omega El Fuerte plays twice this weekend in NYC – as I tweeted: “all NYC’s latin ‘cosmopolatino’ websites that *didnt* mention OMEGA’s gigs here this weekend: #FAIL” (gracias a Carolina for the head’s up). Although it’s always nice to be reminded that much of the craziest stuff happening on this planet is primarily offline, lazy journos & surfers miss out.

Ears a la calle… If you live in New York City and don’t have your ears to the street, then you won’t have noticed the strong strange Puerto Rican proto-reggaeton Playero revival emanating out of Dominican cars… That sentence might not make any sense, but it sounds exactly like this new Omega track bumping in a style that was popular in PR like 15 years back:


Omega – Tirense To

GIF from last night’s show:


and an excerpt from my Fader profile on Antonio Peter De La Rosa Aka Omega:

His street-viral swagger means that folks at every point in the food chain—from Dominican TV producers to dudes in Washington Heights who cobble together concert recordings—figure they can make a buck by tapping into El Fuerte’s power. “We get a lot of fans buying flights to Santo Domingo just to see us perform,” he says via phone from the Dominican Republic. Visa and deportation problems have kept international Omega appearances scarce… [issue 62 PDF]



Last night’s radio show: September 27, 2010 – quiet sounds for a rain-streaked night.

Subscribe to the Mudd Up! podcast if you prefer downloadable versions, issued a week after FM broadcast: , Mudd Up! RSS. And don’t forget WFMU’s free iPhone app.


Sept 27 2010 tracklist

Islaja – Joku Toi Radion

Eskmo – The Melody

James Blake – The Bells Sketch

How To Dress Well Escape Before The Rain

Tamikrest – Aratane N’Adagh

Sahl La Guido – Ndarka

Eskmo – Cloudlight

Philip Jeck – All That’s Allowed

Niger – AutoTune

King Abid – Yezzi mel Viss Mashmixxx

Huess – Broke

Alkibar Gignor – Rehearsal

How To Dress Well – Decisions ft. Yuksel Arslan

Enrique Diaz – Tu Sombra (rebajada)

Balam Acab – Dream Out

Knight Magic – El Baile de la Cumbia

Balam Acab – See Birds (Sun)



Next Friday, October 1st, I’ll be DJing at The Apollo Theater up in Harlem. A first! The event is FREE, with limited space, so RSVPing is recommended.

They say:

Please join Apollo artists and friends for the 2010 Salon Series opening event featuring a lively discussion hosted by WQXR’s Terrance McKnight. Salon Series artists will be in attendance to speak about their work and present excerpts. The evening will also feature turntable master, DJ Rupture.


800px-Sahel Map-Africa rough

[Sahel map, wikipedia]


Silence like stone’s insides:


Tamikrest – Aratane N’Adagh

Empty and full, shame the album isn’t as special as this song. Ousmane Ag Mossa sings and plays guitar, picking his way through a night composed of uncertain pieces. Mali.

tamikrest 1274119056 crop 500x422

I found this song via Sahel Sounds, a blog whose author uses the phrase “Black Moor” a lot. There’s an intriguing post on something I was speaking with Benjamin from Akwaaba about just yesterday: bluetooth cellphone mp3 transfers. Non-internet, wireless filesharing that requires physical proximity… A lot of folks use cellphones for only that, no need for actual talk/text service. So as cellphones across Africa get used for music and video playback, recording, and transmission more than talking/SMSing, it makes sense that Christopher from Sahel Sounds assembles a cassette compilation of Music from Saharan Cellphones [mediafire] – downloadable as mp3s, of course… Also worth hearing is his ‘Sahelsounds promo CD ‘ – leaning more towards field recordings from around the Sahara.



Turns out the only thing in Justin Bieber’s corpus better than “U Smile” 800% Slower is “U Smile” 800% Slower (Sped Up 800%). In which the 36-minute long Bieber smear gets restored to its original radio-friendly length by the same algorithmic process:

It’s a poignant reminder than nothing can ever be fully undone, that life is transients, that the attack matters most… Everything else is simply hundreds of offset and overlapping grains playing back at varying pitches centered around the original frequency.

Furthermore, 800% Slower (Sped Up 800%) restores the Canadian entertainer’s lyrics to full audibility so we can once again appreciate Mr Bieber’s elegant (if unoriginal) Lacanian proposition – rare in a successful pop song – that through the mimetic impulse, immanently subjectivizing and spliced with a libidinal charge impossible to master or suppress, we are all socialized. For better and for worse.

“You smile,” sings Mr Bieber, “I smile.”

File under: advanced banjee realness

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An Eid al-Fitr inspired post of songs from Yemen, Morocco, Algeria, and Spain. Yesterday I made the mistake of walking by the World Trade Center site – the crazies were already out! Already basking in media attention. Anyhow, music remains a gift and refuge:

first song comes from the dry but quintessential 17 CD box set, The Music of Islam. This is from vol. 11: Yemen


[audio:Various Artists – Taba’an Liqa (It Was Nice to Meet You).mp3]
VA – Taba’an Liqa (It Was Nice to Meet You)


next, some recent Moroccan chaabi. Got this last January in Barcelona; the guy burned me a CD-r of tunes sans meta-data… It’s a stormer though! Performed live, crowd cheers included:


Mudd Unknown – Moroccan chaabi excerpt


now let’s turn to Juan Peña Lebrijano y Orquesta Andalusí de Tanger’s album Encuentros. In which the old school Flamenco don goes progressive with vocals in Spanish and Arabic and a backing band from Tangier. A major work here in Muddlandia! Highly recommended.


[audio:JuanPenaLebrijano_y_OrquestaAndalusi_de_Tanger- Desafio.mp3]

Juan Peña Lebrijano y Orquesta Andalusí de Tanger – Desafío


last but not least, some Algerian jams from bootleg CD Style Arouri vol. 2, a compilation which will boost your tolerance for synthesizer trumpets:


[Cheba Fati]

[audio:Cheba Fati – Walla Laouayydou.mp3]

Cheba Fati – Walla Laouayydou

[audio:Cheb Samir – Amhabletni.mp3]

Cheb Samir – Amhabletni

…for weirder Eid-related activity, Visual Aid’s Eid thingy



[Filastine and friends in Copenhagen]

Something’s in the air this fall. I’m seized with a terrible sadness at the passing of things. (Reading heavy Uruguayan writer Juan Carlos Onetti’s Los Adioses is not helping. “No es que crea imposible curarse, sino que no cree en el valor, en la trascendencia de curarse”…). Maybe it’s the cool weather, the planetary alignments, my mysterious heart beating in & out of sync with your mysterious heart, some odd combination of forces which shudder and cough as the new season begins.

Here’s a song which I released on Soot two years back, by Filastine. Fits the mood. Flamenco swirls pitch contemplative, lean elegiac…



Filastine – The Sinking Ship (from Dirty Bomb)

Grey Filastine discusses the recording session, or you can just check the video — note microphone taped to cardboard box:

Last I blogged about Filastine was his Copenhagen Sound Swarm project – a high-volume multichannel bike-mounted soundsystem to be used inside the Bike Bloc during the Copenhagen Climate summit.


[Sound Swarm bicycles in preparation]

Months later he has upped a frustratingly short description/documentation of what happened… (Why does it seem that that the people making the best memories have the least time/inclination to ‘record’ and ‘share’ them? This may be a blessing). Here’s an excerpt:

The Sound Swarm is a rolling loudspeaker orkestra, a loose choreography of bicycles who together form a distributed mobile sound system to be used for direct action interventions or just ripping a hole in the fabric of everyday life.

Aggregated into sub-swarms according to our tools: ants with megaphones hats, birds with home-made resonant 5-gallon bucket speaker systems, fish with a collection of 80’s boomboxes, and bees with megaphones mounted on tall crutches. Each of these groups was fed a distinct audio channel via four fm transmitters mounted on the queen bee, a type of chariot built from two tall bikes with a cockpit in the center for the sound controller. The queen is armed with so many batteries, cables, gadgets, and antennas that it looked more lunar landing craft than anything for use on this planet. One of the festival curators called it “something from the next century”. We can only hope she is right, that the art of the future will be made from junk, powered by human sweat, and defy the law.

. . . we rolled off curbs, over cobblestones, through grass, dodging police, sometimes cowering under a plastic sheet during brief rain showers, while controlling five-channels of sound spread across thirty moving speakers in a chaotic mass of hundreds of bicycles pouring through the dark streets of an unfamiliar city.


A quick two hits of swampy high 90s DJ Screw on what may be the last HOTT day of New York City’s hottest summer on record.

Both arrive courtesy of Houston-native Carlos, who watches windmill wax as wonder wanes.

First up, classic voice Teddy Pendergrass slowed down slightly (brings back childhood radio memories):

teddy pendergrass

[audio:Teddy Pendergrass – Tko.mp3]

DJ Screw – Teddy Pendergrass – TKO (from Straight To The Bedroom’s precursor series, Late Night F&%kin Yo Bitch, Chapter 16)

Then we sink deeper with Richie Rich’s existential reflections dedicated to Tupac. Needless to say, the sensitive/religious/emotional thug is a great mode which I’m always happy to see more of. Masculinity melt!

[audio:Do G’s Get 2 Go (Richie Rich).mp3]

DJ Screw – Richie Rich – Do Gs Get To Go To Heaven? (from Killuminati)

today’s keywords: soul, Soul, rap, screw, humidity, swamp-philosophy, gender-melt



Belgassem Bou Genna is how the person who sent me this music spelled it, although Google suggests that Belgacem Bouguenna is the more popular transliteration in online circles. Yesterday Cex referred to this sort of thing as “unwitting faith in algorithms.” We’re in deep, aren’t we?

Actually, Cex wasn’t necessarily referring to that at all, I’m taking him out of 140-character context. He wrote: “Bieberstretches combine modern music consumer’s unwitting faith in algorithms with his need for arbitrary communal reference point.” For all I know, Cex could be talking about granular synthesis algorithms or search algorithms or both or maybe even neither. Point is, we do believe in – rely on – embrace – algorithmic faith. And that’s an interesting thing to think about.

When Googley machine-filtration shapes facts’ factuality, the retreat into tunnels and bunkers of web 3.0 may bring about a Renaissance of rumor. (Which never goes away but can flourish…). Web 2.0 is so sincere — I don’t trust it at all.

Speaking of Belgassem Bou Genna, my friend in Cairo says: “a friend of mine who met him once said he is the most chill person in the world.” I believe this to be true. His voice is beautiful. Like, Actually Filled With Beauty. He’s a kind of Tunisian Mohammed Rouicha. Belgassem, the most chill person in the world. Let’s go to Tunisia and learn more about this man and his awe-if-not-faith-inspiring music. You get the plane tickets, I’ll bring cranberry almond trail mix for the flight over.


Belgassem Bou Genna – Khatr Takf

Your favorite sweaty Slovenian writer (after Vladimir Bartol) writes: “We believe not less but much more than we imagine we believe. Benjamin was thus indeed prescient in his remark that ‘everything depends on how one believes in one’s belief.'” Indeed!



Yesterday’s guest mix & interview by The Sick Girl(s) was excellent thumping late-summer fun, and I’m pleased to announce that on Monday September 13th, I’ll have South African boy wonder Spoek Mathambo live in-studio on WFMU 91.1 FM! Us black internationals gonna throw an on-air Tea Party.

I first encountered Spoek as part of Sweat X, his duo project that I wrote about for Fader’s Africa issue [PDF] two years back. That piece involved a lively interview and allowed me to get the following sentence into print: “Spoek Mathambo is a slippery post-Apartheid glam-rap prince from Soweto who is descended from distant African royalty, or Jewish, or both.”

Since then Spoek has been making steady moves for world domination, rapping, singing, sending me emails about mythical dinosaurs that can stop the flow of a river (and concept band/videos based on same), generally manifesting polyglot amazingness in all sorts of places (Johannesburg, Stockholm, Mrs Internet, Paris, Twitter), and, finally, AMERIKKKA, the country with the best hamburgers & weapons. Although I do love the gun-fetish object on Mshini Wam’s cover:

spoek-mshini wam cover

So. We welcome him to our strange land with open arms. Fader is streaming his album for the rest of today, and we can watch these 2 videos to get some angles into Mr Mathambo’s complex musical visions… (HINT: the damaged Joy Division cover I’ve been playing out since Pitchfork festival last summer is 100% Spoek…. he’s lost control…)