I’ve been relaxing these past few days. My time was vaguely starting to resemble that freelancer’s rarity: a vacation. Whatever it was, it’s over. TOUR TIME! Several European dates and some special events in Morocco. But first – Last night was a fun radio show (if I don’t play the entirety of Reich’s “Come Out” bookended by juke trax, who will?)
Today’s party in a Copenhagen park marks the start of the Denmark leg of the tour, where I’ll be playing dates with Mutamassik and giving a free “master class” with Mad Professor.
John Roberts (not John Storm Roberts) remixing George Fitzgerald kicked off last night’s radio show. I hope that those are stage names and not their real names (the way my friend named Vincent is really named Alex), but either way the music is magic. The hour was lively (how had I not heard the Fuckbuttons Fever Ray remix before? Imagine if every Aaliyah track had a beat-a-pella version? How much more Brooklyn R&B will we get this year?) as was the comments section. You can stream it now:
[Downliners Sekt – Picture by Fric Lopez / Postproduction by Gerard Franquesa]
A week from today, tune into Mudd Up at 8pm EST to catch a special show, recorded on-location with the mysterious Barcelona-based duo Downliners Sekt, who make “soul-filled gospel hymns for a technological apocalypse.” We will learn new myths about Portbou , enter the world of gypsies who sell fake gold teeth, and hear some unreleased Sekt material… Their past several releases have been availalble on vinyl and as free downloads. See you down the line…
[audio:https://negrophonic.com/mp3/04 hockey nights in Canada.mp3]
As I tweeted yesterday: I seek a production assistant for my WFMU radio show. Must live in the NYC area, have monday nights free, & be radiant. #mudd.
Radio is all about radiance, at both a technical & spiritual level, right? Waves spreading, modulating… I’m looking for someone with wide open ears. Who believes in radio and has (or can fake) basic audio editing skills (like find the swear in the rap song and reverse it). Familiarity with the show is pretty important. Mudd Up! has an illustrious list of graduates, such as OG intern Taliesin (before there was Dutty Artz there was Tally helping out on the show!) and Lamin Fofana…
All WFMU DJs volunteer their time, and the station maintains its magical independence by being almost entirely listener funded, which means: your generosity will be rewarded, just not with money, which is the root of all evil.
[Rupture at WFMU’s Studio A, photo by Wayne and Wax]
If you are interested, please answer these 3 questions — Use this form to send in your responses, and make sure to type in your email correctly. Thanks!
1. Why do you want to help out on the show?
2. Please list 5 artists that Rupture doesn’t play on his show, but should.
3. What is your experience with radio and/or audio production?
and last but not least — Last night’s show is now streaming! STAY MUDDY.
Last Monday’s radio show is now streaming. I selected the tunes but hiccuping Casablanca wireless meant that last-minute I couldn’t add my voice — co-pilot Lamin Fofana helped out on that end.
you can subscribe to the Mudd Up! podcast for downloadable versions, issued a week after FM broadcast: , Mudd Up!RSS. Also useful: WFMU’s free iPhone app. We also have a version for Android (search for “WFMU” in the marketplace).
Radio from last Monday, Memorial Day in the States. Block by block, we make a wall. Take the wall to a hole, push it over, use the wall as a bridge to get to the other side. The other side of what? If you turn it up loud enough, we don’t have to listen.
you can subscribe to the Mudd Up! podcast for downloadable versions, issued a week after FM broadcast: , Mudd Up!RSS. Also useful: WFMU’s free iPhone app. We also have a version for Android (search for “WFMU” in the marketplace).
[Sorry Bamba] Last night’s radio show stretched time out proper, starting with a hypnotic track from Sorry Bamba’s upcoming album on Thrill Jockey, a real standout in a year thick with African reissues. This erroneous Guardian review by Rob Fitzpatrick claims that the song, “Yayoroba” (which Mr Fitzpatrick also misspelled), was “written to honor Bamba’s Dogon ancestors.” Actually, it’s an ode to ladies’ big behinds. THAT’S A SUBSTANTIAL DIFFERENCE. Anyhow, the music flows on, misunderstandings or no…
you can subscribe to the Mudd Up! podcast for downloadable versions, issued a week after FM broadcast: , Mudd Up!RSS. Also useful: WFMU’s free iPhone app. We also have a version for Android (search for “WFMU” in the marketplace).
To everyone who supported WFMU by pledging for my DJ Premium a few months back: good news, it will arrive shortly if it hasn’t already! 3.5 hours of choice Maghrebi sounds, After Tropical Comes Arid; your generosity was the only way to get it.