
Today we’ll be holding it down on WFMU from 6-8pm EST. I’ve got a lot of unreleased material from Night Slug’s Mosca, Toy Selectah, y más to shake over the NYC airwaves, Lamin gathered a heap of (cleaned-up) new rap, and since we heart old vinyl too, I’ll be unleashing super-rare vinyl rips courtesy of our man of the cumbias, Sonido Martines (who is currently wandering around the Peruvian Amazon in search of quasi-mythical LPs). Plus a bit of Slowdive shoegaze, to keep you on yr toes.

So tune in, stream via datatubes if you like. I’m sick so our goal is fight cold with heat, outsweat any fever.



I will be on WNYC’s Soundcheck at 2pm today, along with Sleater Kinney’s Carrie Brownstein. We are both contributors to the De Capo Best Music Writing 2009 anthology, and will be reading from that, chatting with host John Schaefer, and playing to some excerpts from my upcoming mix, Solar Life Raft.

As I mentioned recently, the De Capo book has a reading and release party at Housing Works Cafe, 7pm tonight, with afterparty at 9pm. Come join Greil Marcus and a handful of us as we read selections and field a bit of Q&A.

Also at 7pm – my weekly radio show on WFMU 91.1. fm. The show, as always, is preceded by Douglass Rushkoff & followed by Trent – a nice sandwich.

Lamin will help me simultaneously manifest in SoHo and Jersey City. Key figures from tonight’s show include: Michael Watts, Chief Boima, Geeshie Wiley, Roll Deep, Victor Deme, & Mike Ladd explaining How Electricity Really Works.

Just returned to the States, lots of new music to share. The tree outside my window is half of what it was. Fall.


lucky dragons

Lucky Dragons’ performances overturn conventions of electronic music with generosity and grace. Today, Monday October 12 7-8pm on WFMU 91.1fm, they will join me to share sounds and discuss the relationship between social and sonic experimentation, Los Angeles, erasing the barriers between performer and audience, and more.

Lucky Dragons opened for Thom Yorke’s new band debut (both nights) in L.A. last week!! You know, that new band with Flea of Red Hot Chilli Peppers. So we expect 73,365 new L.D. fans will tune in. On Tuesday Lucky Dragons will perform @ Industry City out in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

For a taste, check the incredible Fader TV episode where the editors gather around LD’s setup, making music by touching each other while handling Luke’s cables (with hand-knit sleeves) and freshly-gathered rocks, as he explains what’s happening (although the description/demystification doesn’t make it any less magical):

Says Light Industry: “Lucky Dragons, whose participatory performances jam 21st century musique concrète with the fervor of a tent revival, will play around and variously in dialog with five films by Rose Lowder, a leading light of French experimental cinema. Rigorously composed through single-frame 16mm shooting and elaborate in-camera editing, her work creates complex and rhythmic explorations of perception and its limits. The evening will run up digital against analog, silence against noise, and promises to be a heady a/v experience.”

Subscribe to the Mudd Up! podcast if you want downloadable versions: , Mudd Up! RSS. Listen, get involved, throw in comments, questions. Again, Mondays @ 7 PM. For those outside our FM broadcast range, WFMU offers live streaming and even has its own free iPhone app!


On Monday July 6th, Chief Boima will be joining me on the 2nd anniversary of Mudd Up radio on WFMU 91.1 fm — that means 100+ shows (and podcast versions)!!

Chief Boima – a ‘real’ African-American – pushes music forward from his Bay Area home base. I’d started hearing his DJ mixes a few years back, but it is Boima’s production — solo and along with Oro 11 of Bersa Discos as Banana Clipz — which made me sit up and pay attention.

The Chief will share influences and air some of the sounds he’s currently into, focusing on new dance music from Africa. Expect Ivorian Coupe Decale, Senegalese Mbalax, Nigerian Club, Sierra Leonean heat, and more… Mudd up!


Breaking news! Mudd Up radio, my weekly radio show on WFMU 91.1 fm NYC, is moving from Wednesday nights to Mondays. Tonight is the last Wednesday show. We’ll return early next week, Monday June 22nd, when WFMU’s summer schedule kicks in. The time, 7-8pm, remains the same.

I’ll be after Douglass Rushkoff’s show, and Vicki “People Like Us” will slip into my former slot. In other words: all good.

Except the American FCC ban on explicit language, which amounts to soft censorship and means we play a lot less rap, dancehall, and grime then we otherwise would on-air. You can’t clean them all…

+ + +

me: u coming 2nite? can you send clean WILEY? that 1st track u posted is AMAZING
lamin: yeah. oh, i think that Wiley track is clean too…
lamin: i’ll check it now
me: kool
Sent at 4:20 PM on Wednesday
lamin: yep, it’s clean.
you can grab it here – http://www.duttyartz.com/2009/who-said-man-cant-spit/
Sent at 4:24 PM on Wednesday
lamin: amazing how he can spit for over five minutes and no swears…
me: very impressive
wiley is #1


Last’s night radio show went well, click here to stream via WFMU’s great flash player, other listening options here.

& look for the Wire’s current issue –


it contains an essay on Lima, Peru — Polvos Azules bootleg mall and the cumbia scene — jointly written by Sonido Martines and myself.

Why American Noir Is So Fantastic


Gregory Whitehead

The fact is, in order to build our perpetually shining City On A Hill, we have created one bewildering blood bath after another, with the killing invariably executed in the name of God, for we are nothing if not righteous. That is our psychic core. What sort of radio casts forth from such a dark idealism? And what sort of radio casts forth when events force us, without warning, to face our bewilderment?

Consider the case of world famous hedge fund manager Sir Harry Hammersmith. In the summer of 2007, he announces a legacy gift of one billion dollars to his Alma Mater, an elite private college south of Boston called Plymouth Mather. He plans to deliver the fabulous gift in person, arriving by parachute to land at the dead center of the college quad.

Local dignitaries and the global media gather at the appointed hour. Harry does indeed fall from the sky, but there are a few little glitches: he has no parachute; he is stark naked; and he has no head. Within minutes of his body striking the turf, global markets crash, and the world plummets into the Greatest Depression.

– from Let Us Lay on Splendid Nights



aym logo

a few weeks ago, WNYC invited me to make a piece responding to one of the 12 ‘chapters’ from Langston Hughes fantastic 1961 poem, Ask Your Mama. I’m a fan of his work, so it was an honor to step inside his words. I chose part 8: “Is it True?”, a powerful piece about Moe Asch & Alan Lomax & unknowability & suburbia, among other things…

The results can be heard streaming here, and will be broadcast on WNYC 93.9fm today and tomorrow, along with an interview (in which I make the claim that Ask your mama? is the central question of black existence).

Ask Your Mama (also check Horn of Plenty performed by Beans)

part 8 poem text

wnyc bldg


NYC’s latin radio was killing it this weekend. I’ve got evidence (mostly culled from La Mega).

Exhibit A starts off w/ ersatz Brazilian bassline then goes into a Max Romeo (Prodigy sample-source) edit which moves into a Mavado ‘So Special’ speedy house/baltimore remix thingy, and on. Heavy ‘buttbending’ mixology throughout. The Don Omar “Cuando yo me muera” jam – can anybody ID this?


MuddUp Radio Rip – Exhibit A

If that’s not enough – to raise the bar a few notches – here’s 18 minutes of merengue de la kalle / mambo violento / Dominican gabba. Omega owns this session.


MuddUp Radio Rip – Exhibit B



on tonight’s radio show: special guests Brooklyn’s own Telepathe! Their incoming album, Dance Mother, is so great I can’t even talk about it (i just listen again & again)… Since I’m speechless I figured the easiest thing to do was have them talk about it, their influences, soft synths, harmonic convergence, lyrical power, and “Michael” instead. They’ll also be sharing a bunch of new sounds (by non-Telepathes) from hiphop to dubstep and beyond.

As always, show goes out at Wednesdays, 7pm EST, 91.1fm, plus realtime streaming, streamable archives, and a podcast version.

For fans of the Caribbean/UK/’brown Atlantic’ soundfield, be sure to listen back to the previous guest show on WFMU, when Gervase from London’s Heatwave joined us for massive tuneage and equally deep commentary. This one received a lot of nice feedback.