Today is my first Thanksgiving in America in ages. 5 years? more? It’s a nice DIY holiday, not about buying buying but rather about staying home and cooking your own food and sharing it. So that’s nice.

Violeta Parra’s Gracias a la Vida is a generous, poignant song whose meaning grows sadder and deeper the more you learn about the Chilean artist’s life, and how she ended it herself, and how its poetry survives her doubly, sung into international fame by Mercedes Sosa and Joan Baez, converting itself into a himno humanitario.

The kind that locates pain in an honest way – next to a beauty so full and embodied that its absence can be lethal. Going to another country in search of her lover. Finding him, married. All that depth of feeling unrequited.

So everything is delicate. Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto… The song graces its original singer, still, better than all the subsequent & less fragile versions.

Violeta Parra – Gracias A La Vida


Sizzla is generous too — or at least hard-working. And that’s the thing about Mr Kalonji: when he is off he’s screaming some too-loud Bobo Ashanti pulpit whatever, but when he is on, he’s deliriously good, overflowing with unquantifiable vocal power which lights from surprise to surprise. Here Sizzla rides the foundational Truth & Rights riddim as versioned by Brooklyn’s Massive B.

Sizzla – Give Jah Thanx


usually when i post music is it relatively obscure, hard-to-find stuff. Not today. This i picked up at a Spanish supermarket chain. She’s the best!

Nina Simone – See Line Woman (live)

If I could have, say, lunch, and then work on a tune with anybody ever in the whole world, it would prob be Nina Simone. But I can’t, so that’s that.

800px-Nina Simone14

ok, back to relatively hard-to-find.

I picked this up at Rachid’s Nassiphone shop in BCN last week. Rollicking chaabi marocaine, check the beats! The album — whose title (transliterated Arabic put into French grammatical structures) means Arabic Beats — is buyable at eMusic.

Fawzia Lahrizia et Titou – Loukan Saêftini



Today, Friday nov 16, i’ll be DJing at the Sonic Focus event in Providence, Rhode Island. 9:15-10:15pm. We can all be in bed by midnite.

S called this morning. “Do you mind if I follow you around for a day?”

And below, an unwatchable video from a recent gig I did w/ Andy in Geneva, filmed by a kindly Russian fan. He’s responsible for those craaazy effects.

DJ Rupture & Andy Moor [Live in Geneve]


wanna win a pair of tickets to tomorrow’s Dub War in NYC?

Name this riddim. First person to e-mail the correct name/info to nettlephonic at yahoo dot com gets free tickets. If you think nerds don’t deserve free tickets, send me a pretty song instead and we’ll see.

??? – ???? (Mudd Up! DubWar ticket giveaway)

It’s a record release party for my man Raz Mesinai. As mentioned earlier, his new album contains remixes by Filastine, Kode 9, Marina Rosenfeld, and yours truly.


dubwar nov full


Bervall face06

Poet Caroline Bergvall stops by the radio show today! (my first guest without a MySpace page?!) In addition to reading some of her works and presenting some sounds, we’ll chat about plurilinguality. About face. About figs. About pets.

tune-in or catch her live (different words, same time) at MoMA’s Hell.


In other news, I did a remix for Raz Mesinai’s Unit of Resistance album, out now on ROIR. This Friday there’s a record release party at NYC’s DubWar.


Diplo blogs cumbia over at MadDecent. (yes, Zizek is named after Zizek.)

here’s some Tejano screw from a flanger-heavy Sabor Kolombia mixtape de hace unos años:

Sabor Kolombia – Cumbia Rebaja

este cumbia rebajada es la pura verdad

this slowed-up cumbia is the straight truth

&, more disturbingly, DeD:

Dick El Demasiado – Cada Curva Tiene Sus Derechos from Al Perdido Ganado


Today, 7-8pm on my WFMU show, on-air performance by artist Kalup Linzy!

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& next Wed., poet Caroline Bergvall will stop by the show with poems and sounds! She’ll be in NYC to read at MoMA’s Hell.

as always, for more info about the program, for info on the FM station including how to listen online, and my streaming archives from the past few weeks. Kalup was first muddied up here.


just dont mess with Tejanos…


“Chingo Bling made all his money from tamales,” says Chingo Bling, referring to himself in the 3rd-person with generous objectivity. “All the piece and chains, the toe wear, the ostriches, the custom Versaces with the Virgin Mary. You can’t make all that off of CDs alone, you gotta have something else going on.”

Chingo Bling – HipHop Got Deported

Sabor Kolombia blend (Cumbia Caliente mix CD)

cooked up from their Bota y Tambo, among other ingredients.


DJ C in bass science / studio demystification mode! this is so generous & great, check his sound.


69 grime riddims in 60 minutes!

yes please. The latest blogariddims installment booms out, Low End Spasm style. Although the mostly-instrumental grime mix inspires a bit of nostalgia at hearing ‘old’ tunes, the material is undeniably alive and simply buzzing with plastic youth energy.

top-notch liner notes to boot: “Some of Grime’s similarities to punk are debatable, but this one isn’t one of them: both genres boast a semi-lost treasure trove of incredible TRANSIENCE, one-of-a-kind tracks by young producers, many of whom only made records for six months of their lives before slipping away from music, back into everyday London life. . . And unlike established disciplines like House, these beats dare to challenge the dancefloor with pauses, gaps and other idiosyncrasies that don’t rely on the escapist hypnotic effects of a continuous matrix of 4×4 kicks. This freewheeling creativity is the product of music creators with no-one to answer to.”


France’s Recmag just upped a video interview with Andy & I from our show in Feyzin. “Moment unique entre improvisation bruitiste et dancefloor tendance noise avec le guitariste des légendaires The Ex, Andy Moor et le producteur, maître du mix, DJ Rupture.”

We produced another very limited-edition CD, Live in France, to sell on this recent tour. This one contains highlights from several France shows we did last March. A few copies remain.


50 minutes long. Live improvisation for guitar+turntables. For a preview, check this youtube piece. Overall, the sounds are more beat-oriented than our first tour CD.

FYI, Live In France is a mass-produced, labeled CD-r in a slimline case, fruit of one of the many services offered by Chinatown’s graymarket economy.

it’s only available here (via PayPal) & at Ex shows. ‘xclusive!

U.S. people – $7.50 which includes shipping


rest of the world – $9.50 which includes shipping


I’m still reeling at all the ongoing attention & linkage to my OiNK piece. Thanks so much for the comments and conversation. I’m happy to announce that it has been translated to Spanish by the Soy Leyenda blog. Quick reading looks good, soon I’ll go over the trans. more carefully and repost here.

Más que ninguna otra cosa en este año, el sitio web de intercambio de música & software, Oink, cambió la manera que tenía de pensar acerca de la industria musical y del intercambio de ficheros. [from Defending the Pig: Spanish translation]

Radio show tonite! I’ll be playing lots of great new material: Tego Calderon, Gorilla Zoe, Hyperdub, new London d-step whitelabels, etc. If you want to put a spring in yr step, check Nick Catchdub’s set from last week, streaming.