Turns out the only thing in Justin Bieber’s corpus better than “U Smile” 800% Slower is “U Smile” 800% Slower (Sped Up 800%). In which the 36-minute long Bieber smear gets restored to its original radio-friendly length by the same algorithmic process:
It’s a poignant reminder than nothing can ever be fully undone, that life is transients, that the attack matters most… Everything else is simply hundreds of offset and overlapping grains playing back at varying pitches centered around the original frequency.
Furthermore, 800% Slower (Sped Up 800%) restores the Canadian entertainer’s lyrics to full audibility so we can once again appreciate Mr Bieber’s elegant (if unoriginal) Lacanian proposition – rare in a successful pop song – that through the mimetic impulse, immanently subjectivizing and spliced with a libidinal charge impossible to master or suppress, we are all socialized. For better and for worse.
“You smile,” sings Mr Bieber, “I smile.”
File under: advanced banjee realness
i actually kind of miss the attacks here. all the kick pops have turned into backwards snares, played by an orchestra. but they’re also kinda gorgeous.
Hey, I already did this last month: http://soundcloud.com/pissypaw/justin-bieber-u-smile-slowed-down-800-then-sped-up-800
This is beautifully glitched