Les Grandes Traversées


A quick note to say I’m working on Some Stuff for a 3-city interactive art/design festival in France curated by Mark Jenkins, whose artwork this is. Details “soon”. It happens July 2-10 in Bordeaux, Royan, and Pointe du Médoc. Vive La France!



7 thoughts on “Les Grandes Traversées”

  1. oyoy,

    what a great news! rupture in the medoc area. that smells so good… woot woot!
    au plaisir de partager ces “traversees” avec vous!


  2. dude, for this occasion, im going to post you a special medoc beat!
    yeah, this part of france always had a special history the rest of the world and arab culture specifically. for example, thats not a great and fresh news to say that charles martel *stopped*, *them*, in poitiers in 732… stop what? as i hate this nebulous and vikingest period of the french history, im going to shout out *stop what?*.
    human nature isnt to go against another ting or against another kind of culture. different culture never rhymes to racism or what, im a fuckin stupid idiot? i tend to be an idiot i think…
    thats why, to keep da sharing spirit and a bit of communication alive, hopin that it will keep you brain wet, i send you this special track in colab with a marrocan dude, to remember and spread our love to the deep roots of communication :


    love due to all universal cultures despite of all interests, just for the pleasure to communicate and evolve in harmony! love and pleasure to spread is the answer!


  3. ps : spread the message and dont hesitate to share the track too! it was released on a net label and all rights are creative commons so, share the move, share the vibes!

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