Esa Cumbiera Intelectual (en español) – …another long article on cumbia , out today in the Argentine newspaper Página 12. (aside: as we drove, Pablo Lescano played me some of the upcoming Kumbia Queers album he produced and it sounded great, Andean-style vocals !, all in all unlike their current album’s dull rock covers.) shout to Sonido Martines for the tip.
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Musicans have to tune to something, and “in-tune” versus “out of tune” is a matter of relativity, so you might as well tune to the rooster.
Vibracatheral Orchestra has a nice album by that name which i blogged about 2 years back (“hangin’ out in another corner of the astral plane parking lot…); today i found its likely namesake:
Blind Street Musicians of Cusco – Tuning to the Rooster
… once they’ve tuned it, the Peruvian harps and mandolins sound like this:
[audio:05 Marinera Cusquena.mp3]Blind Street Musicians of Cusco – Marinera Cusqueña (3-Beat Rhythm)
the album’s buyable. Japan possess an intense tradition of blind street musicians playing strings which Ove-Naxx introduced me to.
For anyone having difficulty downloading “Blind Street Musicians of Cusco – Marinera Cusqueña (3-Beat Rhythm)” – try this address:
Rather than the linked one
Thanks Jace – this tune is right up my street!
thank you chaffinch! 🙂
i like rooster