“Doing experimental music is kind of easy. Doing something more joyful is harder.” – Ghislain Poirier
2 weeks from now, Ghis will stop by my radio show while on tour; until then, here’s leaked heat from his brand-new bootleg CD: Bounce Le Remix vol. 3!
Ghislain Poirier – Lil Mama refixxx (320kbps)
of special interest on vol. 3 are some insane soca refixes, although this jam takes the Lip Gloss acapella and adds a riddim as minimal as the original — which necessitates serious focus since the original was just a compressed, brash beat. Ersatz steel drum massive, STAND TALL.

“Saying that you are doing experimental music is kind of easy. Doing something more joyful is harder. Doing something experimental is even harder.â€
“Doing experimental music is kind of easy. Doing something more joyful is harder.â€
As someone who puts an inordinate amount of blood, sweat and tears into trying to make joyful experimental music, I must hasten to disagree with the very premise of this sentence.
which one?
This refix is whaack. I don’t think I could take three minutes of that one to the five to the one to the five steel drum progression. The minimal booty hits are cool, but this track just doesn’t keep my attention.
“which one?”
I take exception to the following ideas:
(a) that making experimental music is inherently easy;
(b) that experimental music cannot be joyful.
I also don’t like the implications that:
(a) people like me are miserable charlatans;
(b) generically “joyful” music cannot be experimental.
….” doing shite experimental music is easy ….doing great experimental music is not …. doing shite joyful music is just shite …doing great joyful music is just great to do …doing great experimental joyful is the best .”