A taqsim clears the space. It sweeps to the edges of what’s possible in what’s to come. He coughs – clears his throat. Then begins.
[audio:Vocals+Sanaa_ud.mp3]Hassan Aoni al-Ajami – Vocals and Sanaa ‘ud
the Mudd Up! Ramadan special radio show will be moved to next week, this song is an appetizer. Lyrics below.
…because today we have a very special guest on the show: British music journalist Dave Stelfox! Widely regarded as one of the leading writers on reggae, Stelfox covers reggae and regional US hiphop for a number of publications, including The Guardian and Wire. Here’s his farewell ‘This Month in Reggae’ column for P-fork, and a Guardian piece on the end of vinyl production in Jamaica (!)
Today Stelfox will share a special selection of British ‘deejay’ music, “lots of fastchat and maybe a little grime”. Expect: wow-thing tunes, deep crates, and the writerly insight to match.
lyrics translation :

I’ve always been a fan of the oud, and I’ve recently been introduced to the Yemeni oud (and folk music as a matter of fact). What strikes me is the rawness.