Somebody come get me, before I kill this man. Somebody come get me, get this knife out of my hand.
Syren Hall – Somebody Come Get Me
roots love, roots pain. Is this girl a major label test-tube baby? what looks like a realish myspace only lists 69 friends.
Elsewhere in the Caribbean, bachata that runs easy laps then breaks into gabba-sprints, cooked up from Dem Bow bullion:
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Maga Bo live on the radio tonite, playing a NYC show tomorrow

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In other news, huge online reggae store Audiomaxxx was shutdown.
The seizure Wednesday of more than 200,000 CDs and DVDs from the production shop of Winnipeg-based is likely Canada’s largest in the a decade, says Graham Henderson, president of the Canadian Recording Industry Association. “Independent producers and smaller record labels, including some from the Caribbean, played a big part in pushing the industry and the police to investigate, Henderson said. “Their whole market was being chopped out from under them in the Caribbean, by stuff made in Canada.”
This criminal takedown is not surprising to anyone who knew of Audiomaxxx: there was a bounty on the Canadian’s head for his particularly ruthless theft/bootlegging. For scandal, check the ‘Boycott Audiomaxxx‘ Myspace.
(Winnipeg. It gave us Venetian Snares and King Raj of Audiomaxxx. )
venetian snares is always my example as to why downloading music has some purpose. brother has like 30+ albums, twenty+ of which i find unlistenable, 5 okay, 5 classic. so i download the discography and pay him for the 5 i like.
btw, i’d try his “Rossz Csillag Alatt Szueletett”, “2370894”, “Higgins Ultra Low Track Glue Funk Hits, 1972-2006”, “Pink + Green CDM” & “My Downfall” if you’re looking for the fire. his black sabbath dubstep tune (as posted on muddup!) is hot too…
“winnepeg is a frozen shithole”? not so much…