Kingdom tonite on the radio! Tune in, this show should be good..
plus, Mode Raw blogs!
plus, 2 Amazigh pop jams as mid-morning fuel. REAL POP = INSTANT HAPPINESS with a dreamy aftertaste.
a big hit! Tamazight lyrics, French hook. This has been bootlegged onto the “Oriental Vibes” vinyl which Broklyn Beats stocked awhile back. Kabyle stormer with international legs.
& here’s one of those 10 minute Berber male & female autotune duets (which i can’t get enough of)
damnit its 8:10!
ive missed the show every week since hearing about it.. 🙁
btw, theres a small kabyle culture site i like called tudukli with kablye karaoke and intersting stuff like plug ins to read tifinagh?
rachel- the show is archived here: and available as a podcast as well… in case you are curious…
damn i miss arabic pop – walking near damascus gate in jerusalem old city there were a million tape vendors and i would buy so many, so good – i wish i knew how to convert them to more easily played audio format for party dj times. thanks for sharing this
a *friday* review of uproot from pitchfork + best new music, sir. congrats!!
congrats of the glowing p4k review.
is the berber track the same duo as the other two tracks you posted (in 2006, i think), and is a cd available anywhere? i’ve been wondering for a long time.
i’m not sure who it is – first off, I lost the original Cd (but can find it again, surely its on my desk *somewhere*) but its probably a different duo with most of the earlier material was on a different label. This album – Varietes Amazigh — i picked up at the Fassiphone shop in Paris back in April and it doesn’t list artist names(!). The good news is that Fassiphone is Europe’s biggest Arab music distro + does online mailorder… the bad news is that I may be mistaken, as I can’t find the CD on their website… I’ll do some research, glad you dig it!
i’m sure you’ve heard this before, jace, but just in case…
omar souleyman…
i’ve really been digging the track “atabat” recently, but the big hit was “leh jani” (which features a bit of auto-tune, methinks, and a SMOKING synth solo you can see up close in the video)
the whole album can be found, *ahem* (if you DO that…) here.
and i totally second the longing comments about listening to radio internationally… india, morocco, turkey… the radio was great.