Amandititita – Viernes de Quincena
pop acid satire ‘anarcumbia’ from Mexico City
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shout to Villa Diamante; he directed me towards where I could find this next piece.
he had had time to find and then lose the thing I’d been looking for without success (a cumbia rebajada mixtape from Houston crew Choppaholix). Now he can’t find it (but told me where to look) which suggests that he still has it, somewhere, obscured under the weight of semantically decaying metadata, or perhaps he has deleted it to make space for something else, an unknown known lodged in a hard drive.
“Empacho digital” says Villa Diamante; having eaten too much, bellyfull, the belly hurts. “Solo se sabe que el exceso de información de los tiempos que corren es el eje principal, en sintonÃa con Babasonicos.“
One solution is slow down.
[audio:Choppaholix_Choppacumbia_Track12.mp3]Choppaholix – Choppacumbia track 12
plus youtubery of Sonido Condor‘s Cumbia de los Estados (as in USA), both original & rebajada… first heard the latter via Sonido Martines; hold tight cumbia fans, next week is your week