the second time i post this image, now feels geopolitical.
Jamás is Spanish for ‘never’. It sounds the same as Hamas.
More specifically, you use jamás after or in place of nunca to intensify the never-ness. Like a serious ‘never-ever’, it deals with things that can’t, or won’t happen. It’s a stubborn word thick with the powers of negativity.
* someone send me Scud & Nomex’s ‘Total Destruction’ & I’ll post it here.*
DJ Scud & Nomex – Total Destruction (thanks Clobbersaurus!)
& here’s an anti-war New York cumbia tune about the gringo response to the World Trade Center attack, from 2002. There’s a classic rock riff I recognize but can’t ID right now from The Beatles’ ‘Get Together (thanks Googlefritz).
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Franco is Spanish for ‘dead dictator’. It sounds the same as Franco, one of Africa’s most famous guitar players, also dead. A new compilation, FRANCOphonic, commemorates his life work with 2 CDs and copious liner notes. I’ve got some Franco vinyl but these CDs are better.
[audio:Franco_Ku Kisantu kikwenda ko.mp3]Franco & Le TPOK Jazz – Ku Kisantu kikwenda ko
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Spanish seasonal joke from Cruz y Raya: Instead of holiday classic Que Bello Es Vivir, we now have Que Bello Es Sobrevivir.