yes, i’ve lived thru another year to reach MY BIRTHDAY!

this is my first stateside b-day in ages, and Brooklyn obliges with perfect weather. before i head out again-
if you feel inclined to send a GIFT — an mp3, a link to some crazy blog, a book recommendation [check the new but growing ‘muddy books’ section on my sidebar], an invite to some awesome bittorent club, blank checks, whatever — comment below or hit me at: nettlephonic at yahoo dot com.
ps. this is my birthday jam, from this cassette.
best regards from BCN
What a sense-tingling solar jam.. Happy Birthday. I’m stealing it for my own birthday.
happy birthday from your uncle jim
i’m always afraid when i give presents, that, you already have this
maybe i’m just gonna upload a bunch of albums here because i have no life and i’m the prototypical internet consumer (deep thoughts??????? heehe)
borbetomagus – barbed wire maggots
i uled this for other people but you can have it too!
yay for jace!
conoco – kemikoski
indonesian guitars (or guitar-like instruments anyway) from the music of indonesia series (number 20)
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indonesian guitars. from the smithsonian music of indonesia series (numbre 20)
stolen link
alhaji bai konte – kora melodies from gambia, 1973
byron morris + unity – spiritual unity
mihaly vig – from the films of bela tarr
iancu dumitrescu – pierres sacrees + harryphonies + grand ourse
happy birthday, even a bit late, here is some present:
(ok its not made specialy for this date – but with mind off…)
okay, I’m a bit late to the party (and sans upload), but happy birthday!
a little mixtape here 🙂
and balancing it with some dancey shit
The Field: Things Keep Falling Down EP
happy birthday! keep em writing
And a happy birthday to you, sir.
I’ll sling some bits from the forthcoming Gunahae album as well as my forthcoming dubstep 12″ to you soon…
Whoops, a bit late. Still, hope you had a good day.
Little gift, acknowledging the passage of time, courtesy of the dearly-deaprted Mr Hazlewood:
Happy late late birthday! I’ve been reading / lurking for a while, thanks for all the excellent posts.
Didn’t notice muddy books until now, nice — I’m glad to see that Samuel R. Delaney is already on there 🙂 If you need any more Delaney suggestions, my favorites are Dhalgren (long and experimental but worth it!) and Babel-17 (comes with another great short story, Empire Star).
Also worth checking out is The Process by Brion Gysin
A hallucinatory novel about an American professor’s weed-fueled journey across the Sahara and back….
well, happy birthday, gosh what a gift the world has with you; much blessings and respect; try ‘GRANTA’ the magazine of new writing;
Happy Birthday Jace
Some sweet feelgood cumbia, Caballeros con Descuento by Toby Schmitt. Enjoy.
Happy Birthday!
Some book picks:
Valerie Wilmer, “As Serious As Your Life”
Geoffrey O’Brien, “The Phantom Empire”
Michael Kirby, “Happenings”
Jack Womack, “Going Going Gone”
Some of the more unique things that I’ve stumbled across on YouTube are mbussiere’s mixes of found footage and “contemporary” classical music (Webern, Cage, Bero, et al.).
Also, I don’t know if you are interested in the Velvet Underground aside from the occasional sample/quote, but there are two interesting publications on them, a recent one by Richard Witts, former leader of post-punk group The Passage, and one from 1997, edited by Albin Zak. Both of them feature some musicological discussion of the group’s music.
happy belated birthday jace – hope all is well!
today i randomly pulled out my old MD player and popped in your ‘kingston hinge’ shuffle – been a long time since i played that.
as far as your birthday goes, book recomendations make me nervous but i am always happy to send music your way if there is some hole i can fill for you. recently i have been dipping my toe into 70’s salsa, 60’s ska and some no wave. jazz and hiphop are always constants and a new neighbor has been providing me with all things metal. and of course, thanks to negrophonic, i still have an ear tilted toward the dirt and the mudd.
john (colton)
most belated happy birthday!
think you might enjoy this, somehow: