just a week into ’07 and our Montreal point-man Ghislain Poirier kicks it with a powerful 30min. mix of hiphop from Africa.
1. 37mph – All In The Name Of Fun ( South Africa )
2. Tuks – Clap ( South Africa )
3. Xplastaz – Msimu Kwa Msimu (Tanzania)
4. Peter Miles – Owango RMX ( Uganda )
5. Awadi – Stoppez les criminels feat. Tiken Jah Fakoli ( Senegal )
6. 994 Crew – Bad Boy ( Mauritania )
7. Unathi – Sgubhu Sam’ ( South Africa )
8. Abass – Zibi zibi zaba ( Senegal )
That Xplastaz track is absolutely fantastic. Benn Loxo (fairly) recently re-posted the mp3 here: http://bennloxo.com/archives/2006/11/23/sarah-harmers-swahili-flamenco/
That. Is. Awesome.
hott. mr poirier’s always got something good.
Abass´ ´Zibi zibi zaba´ threw me into a place where a smile was required….made a change to my headspace.
anyone got a new link for this? that one doesn’t seem to work any more… 🙁
Mix Afrique link FIXED. it’ll host it here for a week more. Thanks for the tip-off Tom! enjoy…
you can also buy tracks from calabash for most of these artists. anyone want me to post links, or ya’ll think you can find them?
hip hop section at:
we’ve got full albums from abass, x plastaz, tuks, unathi
and single tracks from:
37mph (check tsotsi soundtrack page), peter miles, awadi (check tiken jah’s page)
maybe i’ll even make a playlist “inspired” by ghislain . . .
or even better, if any of ya’ll want to create playlists (african hip hop or otherwise) on calabash, let me know and i’ll set you up so you can do a profile and playlists as much as you want.
easy to do.
get featured in front of our audience, mondomix, national geographic, lycos, etc .. . .
you can also then grab the code and embed players so your audience can listen to the music, and then actually support the artists by legally buying the tracks.
hey jace,
maybe its gremlins in my machine but that mp3 reupload seems to have a big gap in it after a few minutes… or am i going mad?!
Its working and beating Bs. As.
thanks for the repost, I was really wanting to hear this and, so far, i’m headnoddin’.
hey guys, this mix was part of a radio show/podcast based in Montreal called MASALA. You can get a kuduro mix and the whole show here: http://masalacism.blogspot.com/2007/01/in-2007-it-all-began-in-africa-060107.html#links
Because the first African Hip-Hop Mix generated lots of interests around the world and played on many radio shows in Australia (Fat Planet), Italia, UK and as well Canada, I’ve been asked by the Mary Anne Hobbs show (radio1 – BBC) to do a another mix !
To be aired on Feb. 9th.
This little mix of 23 minutes is definitely more grime and crunk oriented, heavy and dark, and show what’s going on right now in the African Hip-Hop scene.
Hey guys, you can have a preview of this new grime/crunk african hip-hop mix here:
Like our good friends of Masala (where the first mix originally aired), Shüffle is a french speaking music podcast out of Montreal.
new post about Ghis “Grimey Land” on http://masalacism.blogspot.com/
also check the second post of the kuduro month (crazy moves!!!) and the new “Masala To Go” podcast.
hi nice site thx